Planning investment in Kolkata Real Estate in 2018? Know why it’s a Good Time to Invest!

By: Merlin Group | February 23, 2018
Kolkata, once the British Capital of India, today, is acknowledged for its culture, infrastructure and architecture. It has become a hub for IT, including business and financial sectors. As per statistics, Kolkata's population is around 14.8 million, with an optimum employment rate which results in the growing demand for the residential real estate in the region. ...Read More

Affordable Housing under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY-HFA) is a costly affair or a New Solution for all!

By: Merlin Group | January 18, 2018
In the light of the staggering figure of 78 million homeless people in the country (2014), the two-year-old Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana has come as a solace for the vagrant. While its tepid progress had put forth a question on the possibility of a promised "dream home", steps infused into the scheme by the government, find the dream inching towards reality.Affordabl...Read More

GST impact on Real Estate Industry

By: Merlin Group | July 25, 2017
GST has made Buying Residential Property in Kolkata REMARKABLY EASIER and CHEAPER! Here’s how: July 1, 2017 will be considered as a remarkable day in the history of modern day Indi...Read More